13-year-old Dalia Habib figured out a way to brew her own cellulosic biofuel.
Research in Brief: The What, Why, and How
Research from the Coyle Lab opens possibilities for directing the organization of microtubules needed to build and repair cellular structures.
Collin Borcik Receives 2024-25 Boyer Award
His research in the Rienstra Lab examines morphologies of fibrils associated with specific types of Parkinson’s disease.
New Research Sheds Light on Treatment for Rare Genetic Disorder
Hoskins Lab reveals key insights into how a therapeutic drug tackles spinal muscular atrophy, a deadly genetic disease.
New Mentorship Program Offers Support, Community for Indigenous Graduate Students
Indigenous scientists and educators at UW–Madison are formalizing support and mentorship for Indigenous graduate students.
New Tool Makes Quick Health, Environmental Monitoring Possible
The Raman Lab has developed a new tool to quickly detect harmful and health-relevant substances in our bodies and environments.
Research Follow-Up: Comparing Coronavirus Structures
Researchers in the Kirchdoerfer Lab are identifying which structures are conserved (and which aren’t) across coronaviruses.
Researchers Seek Metal Miners in the Mustard Family
With funding from the Department of Energy, Rick Amasino is leading an international team seeking to enhance plants’ abilities to mine nickel from naturally enriched soils.
Raman Named as the First S.C. Fang Professor
The professorship was established to support a faculty member who is advancing human health and wellbeing through innovative research.
An Ancient Animal is Helping Scientists Improve Modern Technology
Proteins that protect water bears and nematodes during periods of dormancy can protect biological samples during cryo-EM research.