Welcome to the UW–Madison Department of Biochemistry!
Our faculty, staff, and students apply chemical knowledge and techniques to learn more about the biology of plants, animals, and microorganisms. We develop new ideas and experiments to understand how life works, help to develop therapeutics for disease, improve the production of food and biofuels, contribute innovative information to biotechnology, and work in collaboration in fields across campus and beyond.
Majors graduate prepared for careers in life sciences, health care, education, information technology, biotechnology, and research, and are ready for graduate or professional school. Learn more about our academic programs for undergraduates and graduate students below. Scholarships and awards are available through the department for scientists at all levels of training.
Undergraduate students who study biochemistry participate in groundbreaking science at UW–Madison. Biochemistry majors learn from creative, innovative faculty, staff, and fellow students and have opportunities to dive deeper as an undergraduate researcher.
The Integrated Program in Biochemistry (IPiB) is a joint graduate program between the Department of Biochemistry and the Department of Biomolecular Chemistry that offers outstanding research opportunities spanning the field of biochemistry and at the intersections of other disciplines.
Alumni Spotlight
Jaitri Joshi studied biochemistry as an undergraduate and was an undergraduate research peer mentor in WISCIENCE. Get to know Jaitri.
After receiving his BS in biochemistry, Kevin Sokolowski went to medical school and embarked on a career as a medical science liaison. Get to know Kevin.
Jennifer Loeb, who received her BS in biochemistry, always knew she wanted to work in research. Her diverse experiences helped shape her career. Get to know Jennifer.