A new explainer decodes the nuanced world of cryo-EM research.
Elizabeth Wright Named Vilas Associate
Biochemistry professor and Morgridge Institute for Research investigator Elizabeth Wright has been selected as a 2023-2024 Vilas Associate.
From ‘blobology’ to atomic precision: Wisconsin’s leadership on cryo-EM imaging
Cryo-electron microscopy drives a promising collaboration between the UW-Madison Department of Biochemistry and the Morgridge Institute.
Congressional staff tour cryo-EM research centers in biochemistry department
Legislative staff to members of Congress from the Wisconsin delegation toured UW–Madison the week of Aug. 14, 2022, including a stop at the Department of Biochemistry’s cryo-electron microscopy research centers.
New cryo-electron microscopy centers help UW researchers uncover mysteries of life
At the Steenbock Symposium on June 7 and 8, 2022, the University of Wisconsin–Madison Department of Biochemistry opened its doors in celebration of two new research centers that bring to campus advanced biomolecular imaging technology called cryo-electron microscopy.
SARS-CoV-2 research featured in Grow magazine
As part of the global effort to understand SARS-CoV-2 (the coronavirus that causes COVID-19), CALS scientists have pivoted their existing research projects, launched entirely new studies, and banded together to share knowledge and resources. Experts in the Department of Biochemistry are the linchpins of many of these efforts.
42nd Steenbock Symposium registration now open! Department of Biochemistry to launch new cryo-electron microscopy centers June 7
The University of Wisconsin–Madison Department of Biochemistry will host the grand opening of its Cryo-Electron Microscopy Research Center (CEMRC) and Midwest Center for Cryo-Electron Tomography (MCCET) at 8:30 a.m. on June 7. The grand opening is part of the department’s 42nd Steenbock Symposium held June 7-8, 2022. The CEMRC and MCCET, housed in nearly 7,700 …
Jae Yang receives 2022 Boyer Award
The Department of Biochemistry is pleased to announce Jae Yang as the winner of the 2022 Boyer Award for Postdoctoral Excellence in Biochemistry. The award recognizes and rewards excellence in research accomplishments in the Department of Biochemistry. A cryo-electron microscopist and virologist by training, Jae has developed and used innovative workflows and tools for cryo-electron …
Unpacking SARS-CoV-2
Less than a year after he joined the Department of Biochemistry, Robert Kirchdoerfer BS’06 and his nascent coronavirus research program were thrust into the spotlight. The new assistant professor was quickly becoming known around the UW–Madison campus as “the coronavirus guy,” a linchpin of efforts at the university to understand the severe acute respiratory syndrome …
National network for cryo-ET nears completion
In 2020, the National Institutes of Health announced the formation of a National Network for Cryo-ET: four funded centers, with UW-Madison as a hub that also coordinates activities. The network will provide access to and training in routine and advanced cryo-electron tomography specimen preparation, new methods development, high-resolution data collection and computational analysis. Over the …