Christine Hustmyer (Landick Lab) and Max Rector (Record Lab) were awarded this year’s Denton Award. Rachel Cueny (Keck Lab) was awarded this year’s Leirmo Award.
Metabolism Researcher Pursues Hard Questions, Creative Solutions with Special Cell Culture Media
Kim Huggler, who believes science is about creativity, reveals biological processes using an innovative cell culture media.
Cryo-EM Studies Reveal the ‘High-wire Act’ of Bacterial Replication
Researchers used Cryo-EM to precisely detail how bacterial proteins act like emergency first responders, repairing broken DNA on the fly.
Hoskins, Hull Labs Receive Badger Challenge Award
The Hoskins and Hull Labs will be joining forces in the fight against life-threatening fungal infections common among leukemia and lymphoma patients thanks to funding from the Badger Challenge Award.
IPiB graduate student named recipient of first CALS B.R. DasGupta Graduate Award
Nithesh Chandrasekharan has been named one of the first recipients of the B.R. DasGupta Graduate Award.
IPiB announces mentoring and teaching awards, GLDC welcomes new officers
The Integrated Program in Biochemistry (IPiB) announced its 2022 awards that celebrate teaching and mentoring.
RNA Society Spotlights Aaron Hoskins, BMC Graduate Student
This month, the RNA Society profiled biochemistry associate professor Aaron Hoskins.
2022 NSF GRFP recipients and honorable mentions announced
Several current and former student researchers from the UW–Madison Department of Biochemistry have received National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program awards. Congratulations!
Local changes, global effects: Unpacking action at a distance using computers, X-rays and classic biochemistry
When I entered Assistant Professor Vatsan Raman’s office to talk about his group’s latest research study, I didn’t expect that our conversation about proteins would turn toward Rube Goldberg machines. Biochemists like Raman study how …
IPiB welcomes 2021-22 incoming class, GLDC announces officers
The Integrated Program in Biochemistry (IPiB) – the joint graduate program of the Department of Biochemistry and the Department of Biomolecular Chemistry – is pleased to welcome its newest cohort of graduate students. As all …