Cryo research featured in Grow magazine

The Department of Biochemistry is home to two new facilities conducting groundbreaking work in Cryo-EM and Cryo-ET. The UW–Madison Cryo-EM Research Center (CEMRC) is set to open in spring 2021, and the opening of the Midwest Center for Cryo Electron Tomography (MCCET), a national hub, is anticipated in early 2022. Both centers are housed in the Hector F. DeLuca Biochemical Sciences Complex, and directed by biochemistry professor Elizabeth Wright.

Read more about Biochemistry’s deep involvement in this revolutionary technology in the Spring 2021 issue of Grow:

And, visit the Cryo-EM Research Center website.

Scientist pours liquid nitrogen next to backlit cryo-EM system.
Eric Montemayor, facility manager for the Cryo-EM Research Center, pours liquid nitrogen while demonstrating the process for loading samples into the Thermo Scientific Talos Arctica cryo-transmission electron microscope (cryo-TEM) at the center’s secondary facility in the DeLuca Biochemistry Building. Photos by Michael P. King