Biochemistry majors inducted into historic Phi Beta Kappa Society

Photos of six undergraduates

The Department of Biochemistry is pleased to announce six undergraduates as 2020 inductees to the Phi Beta Kappa honor society: Sarah Doughty, Seamus McWilliams, Jacob O’Hearn, William Raskopf, Jinan Sous, and Elizabeth Sumiec.

The historic society honors excellence in the liberal arts and sciences, including demonstrated breadth and depth of study, and the knowledge of a second or non-native language.

The Alpha Chapter of Wisconsin was founded in 1899, and has boasted other notable UW figures including George Sellery, Charles Slichter, Frederick Jackson Turner, Henry Lathrop, Frederick Ogg, Michael Olbrich, John Olin, Charles Van Hise, Edward Van Vleck, Edwin Witte, H. L. Russell, Helen C. White, and Nellie McKay.

Congratulations, students!


Photo above, from top left: Sarah Doughty, Seamus McWilliams, Jacob O’Hearn, William Raskopf, Jinan Sous, and Elizabeth Sumiec.