Thirty-one University of Wisconsin–Madison biochemistry majors earned 2019 undergraduate campus awards for research and scholarly excellence. These students made up close to 20% of the overall winners across the different awards.
“Our biochemistry undergraduates are extremely talented and highly dedicated, and they also take great pride and ownership of their research projects,” says Professor Sebastian Bednarek, the chair of the Department of Biochemistry Undergraduate Committee. “Credit also goes to the biochemistry faculty, postdocs, and graduate student undergraduate research mentors who are dedicated to providing meaningful opportunities for undergraduates to conduct top-level independent research, which enables them to develop and practice critical thinking skills.”
The awards were celebrated at the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Academic Awards Ceremony on May 2. A list of the awards and student winners, along with faculty mentor in parentheses, is below. The department also gives out awards, which were announced here.
Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowship
Generous grants from the Hilldale Foundation and the Wisconsin State Legislature provide for awards of $3,000 each to undergraduate students and $1,000 to their faculty/staff advisors to work in collaboration on research projects.
- Ann Curme, Biochemistry (Jon Audhya)
- Sonam Dolma, Biochemistry (Michael Sheets)
- Mary Donoghue, Biochemistry and Statistics (Peter Lewis)
- Sarah Doughty, Biochemistry (Tom Record)
- Claire Evensen, Biochemistry and Mathematics (Tom Record)
- Eric Geunes, Biochemistry and Chemistry (Andrew Buller)
- Megan Hazen, Biochemistry (Patricia Kiley)
- Johnson Hoang, Biochemistry (Xinyu Zhao)
- Vansh Jain, Biochemistry and International Studies (Jon Odorico)
- Keith Kamer, Biochemistry and Finance, Investment & Banking (David Pagliarini)
- Yuchen Lu, Biochemistry (Olachi Mezu-Ndubuisi)
- Stella Ma, Biochemistry and Nutritional Sciences (Anna Huttenlocher)
- Mckayla Miller, Biochemistry (Stephen Johnson)
- Isabel Monti, Art and Biochemistry (Jenny Gumperz)
- Thanh Phuong Nguyen, Biochemistry (James Keck)
- Massimo Onesto, Biochemistry (Timothy Gomez)
- Allison Schiffman, Biochemistry and Mathematics (Robert Landick)
- Charles Schneider, Biochemistry and German (Aaron Hoskins)
- Elizabeth Sumiec, Biochemistry (Zachary Morris)
- Peter Volkert, Biochemistry (Jill Wildonger)
- Alyssa Walker, Biochemistry and Biomedical Engineering (Pamela Kreeger)
- Luke Zangl, Biochemistry and Neurobiology (Ravi Patel)
- Haiyang Zheng, Biochemistry and Computer Sciences (Philip Romero)
Ginsberg Family Awards (formally the Meyerhoff Award for Leadership, Service and Scholarships)
The Ginsberg Family Awards recognize students who have made outstanding leadership and service contributions to the University and/or the surrounding communities while maintaining a record of academic excellence.
- Mitchell Keith (Landick Lab)
Sophomore Research Fellowship
Funded by generous grants from the Brittingham Fund and the Kemper K. Knapp Bequest, the Sophomore Research Fellowships provide $2,500 each to undergraduate students and $500 to their faculty/staff advisors to work in collaboration on research projects.
- Elizabeth Brown, Biochemistry (Thomas Friedrich)
- Jessica Liu, Biochemistry (Michael Cox)
- Jarod Moyer, Undeclared (Samuel Butcher)
- Jinan Sous, Biochemistry (Anjon Audhya)
University Bookstore Academic Excellence Award
A generous grant from the University Book Store allows for Academic Excellence Awards of $1,000 each to undergraduate students who best demonstrated excellence by completing a project through independent study.
- Jacob Olson, Biochemistry, Environmental Studies (Adrian Treves)
- Michael Palo, Biochemistry (Robert Landick)
- Wenqi Shen, Biochemistry (Helen Blackwell)
For a full list of awardees see here: