Biochemistry Undergrad Sophmore and University Book Store Awards

Congratulations Biochemistry Undergraduates:

Sophomore Research Fellowships:
Funded by a one-year University of Wisconsin System Undergraduate Research & Discovery Grant, the Sophomore Research Fellowships provide $2,500 each to undergraduate students and $500 to their faculty/staff advisors to work in collaboration on research projects.

Jaime Brown, Friesen Lab
Ryan Rebernick, Shelef Lab
Sarah Wang, Thibeault Lab
William Xiang, Bushman Lab
Annie Yao, Guo Lab

University Book Store Awards for Academic Excellence:
A generous grant from the University Book Store allows for Academic Excellence Awards of $1,000 each to undergraduate students who best demonstrated excellence by completing a project through independent study.

Victoria Heinrich, Weibel Lab
Kevin O’Connor, Record Lab