The following students have been selected to receive Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowships.
Claudia Aldrich , Kiessling Lab
Adam Awe, Dent Lab
Amanda Beltrame, Raines Lab
Carol Coutinho, Watson Lab
Nathan Delvaux, Holden Lab
Richard Giza, Murphy Lab
Matthew Grieshop, Ansari Lab
Amal Javaid, Hank Lab
Katherine Jiang, Fox Lab
Matthew Lammers, Weibel Lab
Adam Lauko, Craig Lab
George Luo, Hoskins Lab
Tej Mehta, Weichert Lab
Kevin O'Connor, Record Lab
Alexander Peterson, Raines Lab
Yiming Qin, Bolling Lab
Kelsey Rayment, Karasov Lab
Jane Ryu, Thomas Lab
Matthew Stefely, Paliarini Lab
Brexton Turner, Hoskins Lab
Benjamin Weber, Kiessling Lab
Congratulations Biochemistry students!