Clagett-Dame, Margaret

Molecular mechanism of action of the vitamin A metabolite, all-trans retinoic acid, in nervous system development; the therapeutic use of vitamin A and D analogs

Cox, Michael M.

Molecular biology and enzymology of genetic recombination and DNA repair

Craig, Elizabeth A.

The function of molecular chaperones in the cell – Folding and remodeling of proteins

DeLuca, Hector F.

Molecular function of vitamins and hormones, metabolism of vitamins A and D

Frey, Perry A.

Mechanisms of enzyme and coenzyme action; stereochemistry and mechanisms of phospho- and nucleotidyl transferase action; structure and function of multienzyme complexes

Kiessling, Laura L.

Biomolecular recognition processes; the chemistry and biology of protein-saccharide interactions

Markley, John L.

NMR spectroscopy and its applications to protein structure and function and metabolomics